Sunday, 4 December 2016

The Contents Page- Questions

The Contents Page


1.What is the function of a contents page?

The function of a contents page is to give readers an understanding to what is featured in the magazine. Reading a magazine in a non-linear process is not usual for us to do, therefore the contents page helps the reader to choose which articles they are interested in and articles they have no interest in. The contents page has page numbers present alongside a description or an image to allow the reader to identify which articles they wish to read.

2. How does the reader use the contents page?

A contents page is located at the front of the magazine and is most common after the cover page. The reader can use this to select which articles they wish to read, therefore will look at the page number and will be able to find the page. The contents page allows to reader to select the certain articles they wish to read and have a larger interest in.

3.What is the conventional layout/design for a contents page in a magazine?

The layout of a contents page is commonly set out in columns. There is usually one main image which relates to the main article inside the issue. There are also subsidiary images relating to other articles in the issues. The masthead 'contents' and the issue number are commonly located at the top if the contents page. The colour scheme is usually similar to the cover page using the magazines house-style.

4.How much information does a contents page contain?

The contents page will only include the most relevant information for the articles inside. Page numbers are located next to the relevant information or images. There is a small summary underneath the subheadings of the articles and gives the audience an understanding of what is included inside the article. 

5. How are images used in a conventional contents page?

On the contents page, images are used to relate an article to the subject and readers will often find the page number of the article near the image and subheading whether is is an image of a band/artist or even equipment.

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