Friday, 3 March 2017

Double Page Process

Step One

Firstly I added the small details to my pages to make the pages exclusive to Shuffle. I used the colour scheme of my magazine and the bold red makes it stand out. I followed my draft I created and am pleased with the start I made.

Step Two
I then added the article to the double page spread, using my magazines colour scheme of predominantly black and red to divide the questions and the answers. I also added the title of the article and inserted a similar design to my masthead on the cover. I personally like the design as it is bold and eye-catching. I also added the page numbers at the bottom of the pages as well as adding a pull quote to the right hand page.

Step Three

Next I inserted the image to the double page spread. I changed the gradient on photoshop to grayscale as I believed it made the pull quote more eye-catching as well as looking unique to my other photographs I had taken for my other pages. I also changed the font of the pull quote for it to fill more space on the page. On the page of my article, I decided to make the next smaller beneath the headline to add the artists name, allowing readers to know what the article is about. I also added a large 'K' underneath the article. Inspired my Q's design, I changed the colour to yellow to continue the magazines colour scheme.

Step Four

Next I decided to remove my main image as it wasn't eye-catching and interesting. I also decided to make the pull quote smaller as it was too big for the page. I added two drops caps to my article to draw the readers attention towards the article. I am pleased with my double page so far.

Final Outcome

Overall I am pleased with the final outcome of my double page article. To achieve this I followed my draft to make sure I followed my colour scheme and clear layout therefore making it easy for the reader to view without looking cluttered. I believe that this image is more interesting and eye-catching than my other image as the pose of the artist is more interesting with this pose.

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