I have named my school magazine 'The Examiner' as it is directed towards students aged 11-18 years old, therefore everyone will experience exam life as well has being able to relate to it. As the photograph shows, the masthead is located in the top left hand side of my magazine cover underneath the header. I used the colour scheme of black and yellow as it is the school uniform colour scheme. I have used different fonts as I believe that it is effective and is eye-catching and easy to read.
Main Image
The main image is the main focus of my magazine cover.This drawing idealistically would represent a year 7 pupil wearing the correct school uniform which is shown in the image.The student will wear a black blazer with the school emblem embellished on the pocket, an optional black jumper, a white shirt, and the yellow and black tie. The pupil would preferably be a female with dark hair as think that it could possibly make the image stand out rather than lighter hair which doesn't stand out as much. The pupil should not have noticeable make up on as it does not show the pupils true identity and age. I think that using a photograph of a year 7 pupil would be important as it is the main story as the new school year begins, as well as it being their first year at King Henry VIII.
The pug is located on my magazine on the right hand side. It is incredibly simple and i have used the same colour scheme as my masthead. I have included the title, 'Record Breaking GCSE Results 2016' to celebrate last Year 11's results which have also been the best results the King Henry has ever achieved.
Header and Footer Bars
I have included header and footer bar to add extra information which also borders my magazine, making it look professional and and clean. my header bar reveals '5 Revision Tips' to draw readers which could potentially starting exams in a dew months and to help them achieve their goals.
My Footer bar includes the line 'Headteacher Praises Attendance' which is extremely important for Mrs Lewis. I have used the colour scheme black and white as it is bold and still ties in with my colour scheme.
Sell Lines
I have included 5 sell lines to accommodate a range of readers and to interest many. For example, I have included the line, 'Q&A with Mr Evans' which can accommodate pupils which like gossip magazines. I have also included sell lines such as 'art club re-opens it's doors.' This is to cater to students which are interested in these activities.
I have used the colour scheme red and black as they are the most used colours in magazines due to being bold and eye-catching.
The splash is the main sell line which can overlap the main image and is used to draw readers in. My splash line is 'KHS Welcomes Year 7 2016,' This is due to the new academic year begging and to tie in with my main image.
Overall Cover
Overall I am pleased with the
outcome as I have included
many important aspects of a
magazine such as the masthead, splash,
and a pug. I believe that my School Magazine
cover is eye-catching, organised and
includes key information.
Excellent evidence of planning, Nia. You have included detailed annotation of the codes/conventions and layout/design of your page using appropriate technical terminology.